What is Retipping a Ring? 7 Things You Should Know
It’s a sign of your commitment to each other. It’s a symbol of significance that is more than just something sparkly on your finger. Regardless of the number of karats or the price tag, a wedding ring is highly significant.
Through the years, the condition of the ring may change. It may not stay as crystal clear and smooth as that day when you first said: “I do.” Whether you work with your hands a lot or not, your ring will go through normal wear and tear.
Even if it’s not a wedding ring, any gemstone rings are susceptible to potential damage from frequent use.
But what happens when your ring is damaged? Don’t fret. Jewelers have expert repair practices that will get your ring back to its former perfection.
One common process that jewelers use is called retipping. It’s a repair process that can end up saving your ring.
Here, we share seven things you should know about retipping a ring.
1. Retipping Fixes the Prongs
Retipping is mending the prongs on your ring. An article from Professional Jeweler by Mark Mann notes that retipping is one of the most common jewelry shop services. He notes that retipping is when the jeweler rebuilds the prongs that are worn down on the ring.
In this process, the jeweler attaches a wire or metal bead over the top of the prong that is worn out, notes Mann. This creates a new prong that will hold the stone in place better.
Jewelers also file down the prongs so that they are smooth and don’t snag. The process is finished by polishing the repair.
2. Prongs Tend to Weaken at the Same Time
If you notice that something is off with your ring, you should get it check out as soon as possible. Prongs tend to wear down evenly. However, they add that the prongs on the outside of the ring wear down slightly faster.
If you notice that one prong is broken, loose or worn down, it’s worth looking into strengthening all of them.
Worn prongs can pose a great risk to your precious gemstone. When prongs are worn down, they become flat and no longer rounded. They are also more susceptible to breaking, which might cause you to lose your gem.
3. The Price of Retipping Varies Based On Your Situation
While it may be possible to do it yourself, it’s best to bring your ring to a professional for repair. The price of a retipping serve depends on the condition of your prongs. Your prongs may be simply slightly worn and just need to be built up. Or, a more intricate process may be necessary.
According to Jewelry Secrets, the jeweler may need to remove the gemstones, build or replace the prongs, reset the stone and take other steps.
4. Protect The Gemstone
Whether it’s a high karat diamond or a meaningful stone, it’s important to protect your ring. If you notice a prong is loose, cracked or damaged in some other way, get it checked right away.
Jewelry Notes also mentions that if your ring begins to snag on things, pay attention. A ring that snags is often a clear sign that there is an issue with the prongs. Rather than ignoring the issue, get the ring checked out so you don’t lose that precious gemstone.
5. You May Just Have a Raised Prong
If you notice that your ring has begun to snag on things, you may just have a bent prong. In this case, the retipping process may not be fully necessary.
An article from Jewelry Notes mentions that if the prong doesn’t look thinned or worn down, the solution may be simple. Bring it to a jeweler, who may just need to bend down the prongs again.
6) If the Prongs are Too Worn, You May Need a Replacement
Sometimes, the prongs of rings are so worn out that retipping won’t be effective. The entire head of the ring may need to be repaired in such cases.
7) Keep Up on Maintenance
A way to prevent broken or damaged prongs is to have your ring regularly cleaned and inspected. Take your ring to a jewelry store at least twice a year. This may prevent a lost gemstone later on.
Get Your Ring Retipped Fast
If you think your prongs on your ring may be damaged or worn, don’t wait. Swing by your local jeweler who can evaluate the condition of your ring. If you wait too long to get your ring repaired, you may be vulnerable of making the situation worse.
Take care of that meaningful symbol and make sure those prongs will last a lifetime.
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