The 12 Most Popular Styles of Solitaire Engagement Rings
Solitaire diamond engagement rings are rings with a single diamond. It’s easy to remember, like a Solitary diamond, or like the game Solitaire, a game you play by yourself. The Solitaire setting, a single diamond in any ring shape, is a classic and stunning style set. Solitaire diamond rings are traditionally used as engagement rings, but they can be used for many other occasions.
The Top Trending Setting Types for Single Diamond Engagement Rings
There are many different settings in which a Solitaire diamond ring may come in. Each setting is stunning. The setting you purchase simply relies on what you have a taste for. Below are some of the settings that are available on the market today.
The Bezel Setting

The Bezel Setting is a modern style setting. The band of the ring is used to hold the diamond elegantly in place. The band surrounds the diamond’s shape. These are great for everyday wear and are sturdy against outdoor activities. Here are some features:
- The Bezel setting does not have prongs.
- Is a modernized style.
- Some of the stone is hidden with the band to hold it in place.
- Easy to clean.
The Prong Setting

The prong setting is great because the different shapes of diamonds you choose will affect the entire look of the ring. Most prong settings will have a total of 4 to 6 prongs. These are used to hold the Solitaire diamond in place. Here are some features.
- The shine of the diamond is most visible.
- The diamond is elevated more than other settings.
- Has a more classic look.
The prongs will need to be inspected regularly and be careful not to snag them on clothing and the such.
The Tension Setting

A Tension Setting is exactly what it sounds like. The diamond is held in place by the tension of the band pushing in on both sides of the diamond. This does not sound like it would hold the diamond very well, but when set professionally, the diamond is held securely. I have some features listed below.
- Has a unique appearance.
- The Solitaire diamond is securely held in place.
- Maintenance is less than with a prong setting.
- A prong may be placed on the underside for extra hold.
Split Settings

A split setting is where the band of the ring comes up and splits before meeting the diamond. It is often called the shank setting. You can have a square or rounded diamond shape with the split setting. However, most of the time, they are set with a rounded diamond.
- A unique style that no other band has.
- Brings the eye to follow the stunning band up to the Solitaire diamond.
- Cleaning should be done regularly.
The Cathedral Setting

The cathedral setting is very elegant. It is often used as an engagement ring but can be used for several other occasions. It gets its name from the cathedral design it holds. The structure is stunning as a cathedral would be. The arches provide a classic setting. Below are some features of the cathedral ring setting.
- Adds extra height raising the diamond bringing more attention.
- Draws attention to the diamond or gemstone in place.
- Allows the center of the diamond to captivate attention.
- Must be cleaned regularly.
The Most Popular Diamond Cuts for Solitaire Diamond Rings.
Before you can choose the setting, you want, you must know what shape Solitaire diamond you are planning to purchase. Knowing the diamond’s shape helps you determine what the best settings are for your setting of choice. Some diamond shapes just look better with other settings. There are a few different shapes you can get a diamond cut as.
Round is the most purchased shape of a diamond. It provides an immense amount of light to carry through it making it shine the brightest.

Princess Cut
These are a square shape. It was originally named the Barion. It can be a less expensive cut of a diamond.

Pear Cut
Pear cuts are shaped after the name, pear. They are usually worn with the slimmer end pointing toward the hand.

An emerald cut is shaped alike to the Asscher cut. It is an elongated shape.

Oval Cut
The Oval style cut is a mixture of the marquise cut with an elongated style.

Marquise Cut
Marquise cuts are the traditional football-shaped style cuts.

The Cushion Cut
This is a square-cut diamond with the corners rounded off. They are very elegant and are similar to a cushion or “pillow” shape.

There are many style cuts that you can get when purchasing a diamond. The one you should choose should be based on simply preference. Once you have the cut in mind you can then consider selecting a setting. Sometimes you can pick the setting then diamond shape.
Some Last Tips.
Consider the person you plan on buying the Solitaire diamond ring for. Are they more into trendier things or a classic traditional style? This will help greatly in your decision. Remember to take your time and put extra thought into it. That’s what matters the most right?